Hilly Jon & Jag

I don’t often photograph families, but when I do, it looks like this:





(L to R): Hillary, Jag, and Jon Kirkman are a beautiful family.


Though she’s spent many years as a wonderfully ambitious career girl, Hillary is doing the mom thing, full time – and loves it.


A man can have a lot of great things in his life… a nice car, a prestigious career, a fat bank account, 6 pack abs… but personally, I hold in highest regard the man who has attracted a brilliant woman, created a joyful life with her, prepared well for a child and then manifest one into the abundant world he’s created.  This is masculine finesse at it’s finest.  Jon Kirkman is one such man; Jag Kirkman is a very fortunate little guy.  He’s got a brilliant life ahead of him.

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Family portrait booking inquiries can be submitted here.

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