Never Before And Never Again

In school we get taught that the planets orbit the Sun in space. I don’t know about you, but I always assumed that every March, every August, every December… the earth runs along the same, old, trodden path in space that it has for billions of years.

Take 2 minutes and watch this video:

As it turns out, every point in space is a point that we’ve never been in before, and will never be again.  Think about that as a metaphor for your life.

Every day, you literally are at a point in the universe that you’ve never been in, and will never be again. Every day on Spaceship Planet Earth is unique and irreplaceable.

The next time the sun goes down, look at the stars. Look at the moon. Look at the people walking down the street. Look at the person next to you.  Think of the person(s) that’s in your heart. This moment, both in the Earth-bound temporal sense, and in the cosmic Universal sense – will never happen again.

What are you going to do in this universally unique moment, to make sure it has been played well?




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