A day in the life of me:
3:00pm: shot Angela Thompson’s daughters:
They really were a joy to photograph. They are beautiful little girls that easy to get great expressions out of. I relied on my instincts more, and only shot 170 frames (down from my typical 300 +). I blogged about this earlier here; I think I’ve made some changes and am hitting a new stride. Feels great.
5:30pm: Shot Claire Evanson’s family
8:00pm: Arrived at Complex… shot The Better Life Band:
Check out more of The Better Life Band here: http://www.paulduanephoto.com/2012/06/the-better-life-band-1-june-2012/
And then Lola Black:
Check out all of Lola Black’s photos here: http://www.paulduanephoto.com/2012/06/lola-black-1-june-2012/
And then Pop Evil took the stage: See more of their photos here, and check out the video too. I’ll bet you know this song. It’s BAD ASS: http://www.paulduanephoto.com/2012/06/pop-evil-concert-1-june-2012/
After the show, we (some guys from Better Life Band, the guys from Pop Evil, and myself ) all went over to the new club in The Complex, Evolve.
After last call, we went out to Pop Evil’s tour bus and hung out till the wee hours. I talked mostly with Matt, the bassist. The topic of long hair came up – he’s got fantastic long hair – and he revealed one of his secrets:
He brought me on the tour bus, went back to his bunk, and he pulled out the Moroccan Oil. He had me try some in my hair – very nice stuff. Feels like it’s super good for your hair.

Around 2:00 am, my buddy Joe, purveyor of the 1/4 Mile High Club in SLC, invited me to come hang, saying that some people were going to be there. Joe’s place rarely disappoints, so I left the tour bus party and made my way to Joe’s. Upon arriving, I found Joe, Al, and a Ukranian girl who trades solely on her looks. Somehow I managed to get Joe in trouble for showing me a compromising photo of her from a few nights previous. I was a very clumsy wing man. The night previous had been epic in proportions, and my energy levels soon ramped down from the day’s activities. Before I knew it, I was dozing off on Joe’s sofa. I picked my sleepy ass up, put it in my car, returned home, and slept like a baby.
Life is good.