Caleb Chapman thinks Fallout Boy can save Music Education

Maybe it’s that he was a bit of a child prodigy himself, performing professional music gigs by age 15…   Caleb Chapman, of Caleb Chapman’s Sound House, has created an epicenter of music education that is without peers. The Sound House is an after school private music education / performance center geared toward giving serious high school age musicians real world experiences and high level performance opportunities. Their flagship band, The Crescent Super Band, has performed all around the world and at all of the classic jazz venues in the big cities, earning accolades at every stop.


Caleb joined me in the studio today to discuss how he coaxes such high levels of performance out of the 15 – 18 year old musicians, his view of music education, and he explains how Fall Out Boy songs may be the secret to saving music education in our schools.


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