4.20 Easter Special

If you were there last time, you know what this is all about!

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As you can see from the photos below, the 4.20 show was a huge hit!  2 of Utah’s leading comics dressed for the occasion, it being Easter: Jason Harvey joined us as Jesus Christ, Christopher Stephenson as The Easter Bunny.  It being April 20th (4.20), we had to talk weed, too.  Representative Gage Froerer of Huntsville (R) joined us to discuss a recent law that he sponsored, which gives Utahns limited and specific access to a type of cannabis extract that is highly effective in treating epilepsy.  Five Wives Vodka provided an outstanding bar, and SLC Hemp brought in all kinds of hemp derived treats, some edible, some not (relax… none of them contained THC. All of SLC Hemp’s products are not only legal, but incredibly high quality). Smoker’s Guru donated a “water pipe” that was given away during a drawing.  Good, good times. 

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