Greg Kyte thinks your taxes are a joke

How can donating your old Bon Jovi CD’s to a thrift store save you hundreds of dollars on your taxes?  What were Greg and Paul doing buying used Honda Accords from the Russian Mafia?  What tax advice does Walter White need right now?  Stand up comedian and CPA Greg Kyte joined me on the show today. We talked about all of these things, and it was hilarious. If you didn’t listen live, I dare you to explain to me what was happening in your life at 1 – 3pm MST that was more entertaining than this. Enter it in the comments below. Seriously. Let’s see what you’ve got.

If you missed the show, you are in luck! You can listen to it here, or you can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and get it there.  Do the iTunes thing. It’s better.

Greg is going to be performing at Wiseguys in Ogden on 27, 28 September at 8pm.  Go to it. He’s one of the 5 funniest people in Utah, I swear to Allah. Details here:

Check out his website here:

See some of his comedy here:

Some tax related stories I referenced on the show:

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