Heavy & Light Tour

I had the opportunity to shoot the Heavy & Light tour, sponsored by the advocacy group To Write Love On Her Arms. There were a few moments that really grabbed me that I’d like to share with you.

Bryce Avary of The Rocket Summer

Bryce Avary of The Rocket Summer did an entrancing set of jams he created on stage by looping his guitar, beatboxing, and other sounds he made on the spot.

It’s funny how The Universe works… in the past few days, I’ve been feeling kind of emotionally and artistcally deflated, as if I’ve not yet really got my guts in the game. I’m a passionate guy, but I have not given that passion full expression for a very, very long time. I’ve been wanting an experience to wake me up.

Enter poet Anis Mojgani. _DSC8424To say that he recited his verses for the audience would be a disservice. Anis moved the audience to silent attention. He delivered in a way that made me feel as if I was in the presence of a great sage that was spontaneously channeling the wisdom of the ages in the language of today. His words dripped with blood, rain, and experience. Being in the presence of such an artist leaves an


impression on your soul. Thank you Anis, for that kick start back to feeling again.

Jon Foreman of Switchfoot brought his new band to the stage, Fiction Family. As the encore to his set, Foreman did an acoustic

version of the Switchfoot hit, “Dare You To Move”. He took it a step further, unplugging his guitar, and stepping away from the mic, he called everyone to gather closely at the front of the stage, so they could hear the natural sounds of his guitar and voice. The audience joined in singing the strains of the song. Jon created one of those rare moments in which the concert transcends itself for a moment and some real human connection happens between artist and fan.

The crowd sings “Dare You To Move” along with Jon Foreman, unplugged.

Tied for one of my favorite moments of the show, was Aaron Gillespie’s performance. He came sans band, The Almost and performed an impassioned acoustic set. His band recorded a song that I’ve listened to countless times, which of course, I must share with you:

I have this thing with meeting famous artists that I admire: I don’t care about autographs. I don’t care that much about getting a photo with them. I DO want to shake their hand, look them in the eyes, and thank them for making this art that makes my life so much more beautiful. I got to shake Aaron Gillepsie’s hand and tell him “Thank You”

Aaron Gillespie of The Almost
Aaron Gillespie of The Almost

Thanks to everyone at the Heavy and Light tour for a show that reached beyond music & fame. Check out the tour dates here www.twloha.com for your city, this is a show that will leave you a bit better than it found you.

See a gallery of all of the concert photos here : www.paulduanephoto.com/2013/02/heavy-light-tour


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