Uncategorized Test Patreon post 1 Paul DuaneJanuary 14, 2019 This is a test post [coll_team team=”podcast-channels”] Follow Us Facebook Instagram Twitter blah blah this content is so rad you should pay for it. this should be unlocked… Here is a section that should be locked.
Uncategorized Me. My good friend Natasha took this picture of me. We were wandering around downtown SLC with our cameras…
Uncategorized I don’t know where they get it from I think they get it from thier mother. 🙂 Here are some photos from my most recent visit…
Uncategorized The Police concert This is what ramen noodles are made for, my friends… to help fund concert going habits such as…
Uncategorized Music that will matter I often wonder about the direction of the music business… Whenever I listen to a great artist… Led…
Uncategorized Pee power 16 Dec 2013 Show Notes POPLAR 242 s 200 w www.facebook.com/lazypandaproductions Nihilism and Yellowstone http://dcclothesline.com/2013/10/03/yellowstone-supervolcano-alert-the-most-dangerous-volcano-in-america-is-roaring-to-life/ So why…
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