359: Nineveh Dinhah-Madsen: realizing your power

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What does it mean to be an Alpha Female?

How do you break out of an abusive relationship?

What would it look like if women ran the world?

Am I inviting trouble at work by being too nice?

Journalist / anchor / magazine editor Nineveh Dinhah Madsen dishes out the wisdom she’s earned through her path from an ultra conservative home, an abusive relationship, to being a successful news anchor and enterpreneur.


“You have to be on the track of progression…  There’s so many people out there thinking they have to be perfect before they meet the perfect person. It’s about meeting the other person that’s on that track, too, and then combining, and going on that journey together and growing together.”

“Female empowerment is important, so is male empowerment.’

“Being an Alpha female is being confident and comfortable in who you are. Being strong, but not demeaning to the other sex to prove that you’re this big bad ass woman.”

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