Talking shop with Marcus: jokes & ghosts

marcusMarcus, the comedian from NBC’s Last Comic Standing, joined me in the studio today to talk about comedy and his new webseries, Ghost Hopping. Marcus is a consumate performer. I went to his stand up show last week and was impressed by his control of the crowd, his easy going yet authoritative demeanor on stage, and the blend of real moments with good hard laughs. Toward the end of the show, he re-introduced his opener / friend / partner in comedy, Guy Seidel, with whom he launched into a performance of their music, parodies & impressions. Hilarious, smart, fun stuff. More proof that SLC has world class talent in her ranks.

Marcus’s new show, Ghost Hopping, is interesting – he takes a common man approach. He does necessarily hold any religious beliefs about the state of souls after death.  Essentially agnostic, he takes tools into the field that virtually anyone can afford, goes into places that virtually anyone can access, and explores reports of paranormal activity.  “I can’t tell you what it IS, but I can tell you what it’s not”, is one of his common catch phrases, adhering to his ethos of intellectual honesty.  Check it all out below!




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