2013 Arty Award

The Paul Duane Show has been awarded a City Weekly 2013 Arty Award for “Best Talk Show”! This is a really cool piece of recognition.  Here’s what City Weekly had to say:

Best Talk Show
The Paul Duane Show

Paul Duane has never been one to keep to the dark corners; even as a photographer, he was best known for sporting a pair of heels and a skirt at photo shoots. So it wasn’t much of a shock to see him start his own talk show—with his own name as the title—and bring some of Utah’s most influential names to chat with him in front of a live audience at The Complex. With its live band for musical accompaniment and a format going back to Carson’s three-guest presentation, the show is only a TV deal away from being the best showcase in town.

See the rest of the Arty Awards here:  http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/article-2-18070-artys-2013.html?current_page=1

Too bad they overlooked my superb taste in fine hosiery that always go along with the heels! Thanks to whoever was involved in the nomination and voting process, this is a nice honor for such a new project. See you at the show!

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