I recently had the opportunity to photograph the Flyleaf concert at the Murray Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah. Going into the show, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew there was a female vocalist fronting a hard rock / metal band of sorts, but beyond that I had no idea if we were talking something closer to Paramore or Evanescence.
As it turns out, Flyleaf is a christian band. As it turns out, bible study gives these guys copious amounts of energy. I struggled to get clean shots of the band, as they were exceptionally “busy” on stage, which made for a very convincing show.
….oh, the playing was SOLID, too.
Vocalist Lacey Mosley, was an engaging band leader. Between songs, Mosley was sweet and sincere. Notwithstanding her wholesomeness… she too
k command of every song, which is not a chore for the lighthearted, considering the wall of sound pouring out from behind her.
I see a LOT of bands play. It is rare that I have a goose-bump experience…. and tonight, Flyleaf served one up. I LOVE moments like this… Toward the end of the show, Lacey explained that they would be playing a song from the new record, Memento Mori, and that audience participation would be needed. The refrain “Arise and be, all that you’ve dreamed, all that you’ve dreamed” was to be sung by the audience on cue.

“Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for,
There’s still strength left in us yet
Hold on to the world we all remember dying for,
There’s still hope left in it yet…”
The band churned out the big sounds of what I feel is the most anthemic song on the new record.
During the last 90 seconds of the song, the refrain began, and the audience was cued…
“Arise and be,
all the you dreamed, all that you dreamed
Arise and be,
all the you dreamed, all that you dreamed
Arise and be,
all the you dreamed, all that you dreamed
Arise and be,
all the you dreamed, all that you dreamed”
We love rock music because it is bigger than us. We love rock stars because they sing our hidden dreams louder than we dare to say them.
Months later, I still get goosebumps when I remember the sound of a packed house singing in unison with sweet and powerful Lacey… the thing that we all truly hope most, and need to be reminded of most.
There are too few moments in life like this.

Paul, I am Carl Phelan from Austin, Texas and I am the author of a book about Flyleaf band called ‘Flyleaf Spreads Their Wings’. I am also th author of a new book about a band called ‘One Bad Pig’, a band that played Punk, hard rock Thrash Metal Music that began in 1985, this bok is set to be released sometime this summer and I would like to send you a Press Release for you to spread the word about this book, thanks, Carl
Your review of Flyleaf was excellent. You are a very talented writer and photographer. I am the author of a book about the Flyleaf Band called ‘Flyleaf Spreads Their Wings’ If yo or anyone on your staff would like to review this book I will be happy to send a digital copy of the book and a press release, thanks, respectfully Carl Phelan