black and white portrait of Zen Master Genpo Roshi
black and white art nude of woman’s torso
This is the image that started my photography career. This is from my first wedding shoot back in July of 1999. Shot on Kodak Portra 400 B&W film. Salt Lake City LDS Temple.
“Bad filmmaking is when you think you have the answers. Or storytelling or any art, if you think you have the answers and you’re just out there to tell people the answers, then you’re full of shit. It’s propaganda and it’s going to be bad art. But if you’re using your art to help you explore, to help you find the answers…If you think of yourself less as an artist perhaps and more as an explorer into these realms that you don’t fully understand yet, things that fascinate you but that you don’t really have a grasp on yet, I think that’s really rich and fertile soil to do your work in.”
– filmmaker Richard Dutcher
Hear the rest of my interview with Richard at: