Utah State Senator Mark Madsen, now a Libertarian

Senator Mark Madsen leaves GOP for Libertarian Party

It’s a good day in the Freedom movement, my friends. Utah Senator Mark Madsen held a press conference to announce that he’s leaving the Republican Party and officially changing his affiliation to the Libertarian Party.  I had the good fortune of being able to photograph the press conference.

The following day, 26 July, Senator Madsen and his wife Erin joined me in the studio at KTalk 630 to talk about his switch.  We had a severe technical problem with our audio feed; part of the interview was rendered unusable. We were able to preserve a large part of the interview; though the audio quality is not optimal, you still can hear it.

At any rate, these are exciting times in the Liberty movement! Gary Johnson and Bill Weld continue to pick up steam. Remember – in your conversations with people about the presidential candidates, focus your energy on sharing the positives of why you believe Gary Johnson is the best man for the job. Don’t spend time nitpicking Trump and Hillary. That’s old news. Let’s invest our time educating people about the principles of freedom. Focus on the positive (even though it’s really, super duper, uber hard to refrain from picking on the negatives right now. I know. I feel your pain.  🙂

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