Comedian Melissa Cobra Merlot

melissamerlotbananaToday, SLC based standup comic Melissa Merlot joined me in the studio. Among the highlights of the show: a listener calling in to comment on another KTalk host not having a sense of humor.  You’ll have to listen to find out.  Let’s just say that after my show, I overheard said host get on the air and defend his jovial nature with the following joke:

“Some say that I don’t have a sense of humor. Well, uh… here’s a humorous joke for you: Barack Obama is the President Of The United States.  [long awkward silence]. “

The world is full of fear mongers, and many of the hosts on KTalk are no exception.  Come on guys. We get it. Obama is the devil. We are all slaves. The world is going to shit. What are you going to do, just keep pointing more fingers at the big piles of shit, or are you going to grab a shovel?  Personally, I prefer Vapoorize:

At any rate…here are the links we promised during the show! Check out Melissa Merlot’s website:

…and the show she co-hosts:

Also, come see her at The Paul Duane Show Sundance Comedy Special:

25 awesome things about Utah :

NFL players should be allowed to smoke pot:

Here are some clips from the comedians we were talking about. Warning: This stuff is not safe for work. There are some swear words.

Eddie Izzard;  No Flag, no country:

Eddie Izzard;  Cake or death?

Doug Stanhope  On Nationalism:

Doug Stanhope  On liberty:

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