Floofie, Seductress of Portland

Model: Floofie
Photos & Interview: Paul Duane

Floofie is one of Portland’s most beautiful women. During a recent trip to PDX, I had the good fortune of visiting Floofie at her home for an intimate photo shoot and interview. She’s not only a gorgeous model, but a gracious host, a forward thinker, and an absolute sweetheart.

Paul Duane: Where did the name “Floofie” come from?

Floofie: “Floofie” is an old high school nickname given to me by members of an IRC channel run by hackers (one of whom I briefly dated) who liked industrial and electronic music. They were dark, I was light and cheerful…go figure!

PD: There are two kinds of people on this planet: those who know what the IRC is, and those who don’t. Were you a hacker, or did you just date them?

F: I was never good enough with computers to be a hacker, only good enough to cause trouble! I’ve dated a lot of computer geeks through the years.

PD: Describe what you are usually doing at 10:47am on a typical Tuesday.

F: At 10:47am Tuesday, I am most likely doing one of two things. That’s prime shooting time for those who don’t have 9-5’s so I’m often modeling. If I’m not modeling I’m surely doing Zumba, a dance fitness class I regularly attend to stay in shape!

PD: While we are speaking of time, describe what’s you are usually doing at 9:21pm on a typical saturday night.

F: I work at a theater, so a lot of my Saturday nights and spent showing people to their seats at the fanciest performing arts theaters in town. If I’m lucky enough to have the night off, I’m probably spending it snuggling with my boyfriend as we watch a spooky movie or TV show.

PD: When did you first realize that you wanted to model?

F: I can remember when I was a child I would often look at my mother’s issues of Redbook and think “I could do that!” But my first photoshoot was at 19, in a local park with my friend Adam Mills. And no, I wasn’t naked! But I liked it so much I had to join modelmayhem that very week and have been modeling ever since!

PD: Was there a model in particular that inspired you, or caught your imagination back then?

KD: No one in particular though I was aware of Coco Rocha not long after, she is an inspiration!

PD: Marilyn Monroe once said that “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”. Is this true?

F: At this point in my life I’m emotionally stable enough to say that yes, if you can’t be there for me when I am down, you don’t deserve my love and affection. But when I was younger and moodier, I really don’t know if anyone could have “handled” me well, which is more of a dig on me than anyone else!DSC_3610

PD: The essence of sexy is ___________.

F: Sexy is all about confidence!!

PD: What is an example of something a guy does that demonstrates his confidence?

F: When a man can show me what he wants without awkwardness or mixed messages and he is upfront about his feelings–that’s sexy. Eyeliner doesn’t hurt.

PD: What’s it like to get naked in front of people you don’t know that well on photo shoots?

F: Taking off my clothes is second nature. Well, it’s literally nature! As long as I’m warm enough and the person I’m posing for is respectful, it’s no different from being clothed. I don’t really feel exposed, and its almost like there is a special kind of veil around me that comes from people drawing inspiration from my form.

PD: The difference between art and porn is….?

F: The difference between art and porn is context. It’s quite subjective, but I feel that anything created for the sole purpose of masturbation or sexual arousal in general is pornographic. If there is attention to craft and aesthetic I’d say it leans toward the art side. But again, it’s very subjective.

F: Probably David Bowie. The Ziggy Stardust years!

PD: Regrets suck. How do you avoid accumulating them?

F: I use my good sense and I’m generally a cautious person.

PD: One last question. Suppose you are given a microphone that could simultaneously address everyone in the world. With this microphone, everyone can understand you, and you can make 3 statements, what would you say?

F: 1. Education is the most important gift you can give to your children – including art!

2. Hatred of others is simply the refracted hatred of aspects of yourself. Stop hating yourself.

3. “The love you take is equal to the love you make.” Go make some love!

The photographs in this interview are part of a collection of artistic nude photos of Floofie. See more of her exclusively at Zivity.com, a social network for models, photographers, and fans.  For those who are curious, she is modeling Hue French Lace pantyhose. A more complete review of them can be found here. 



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