The word photography means, “light (photo) writing (graphy)”. As in the world of words, the ability to convey large meanings with few words is the goal. A well crafted black and white photograph does just that. Every element of a photograph is vocabulary: every color, shade of grey, line, shape, negative space, composition, the darkness, the light. A great photograph will use these elements judiciously.
Sometimes color information is vital to telling the story. Sometimes color is superfluous language. Our eyes see color all day long, do we really need to see more of it? Photography, tell me something I don’t already know about a common place object or face. By peeling away the chatter of color, oftentimes, a great black and white photograph can do just that.
This is a collection of some black and white photography I’ve created over the course of my photography career. It’s not necessarily in chronological order. Some was shot on film, some digital. Come back again, I’ll regularly add to this collection.

Booking and Contact:
I am based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and am available for assignments nationwide.