Nick Schmitroth

In memory of my friend, client, and subject, Nick… who, upon the discovery of his stage IV melanoma, scurried with his soul mate and fiance, Tai, to move thier wedding up from a summer wedding, to an early spring wedding. Nick and Tai realized that his days were numbered, and wanted to spend the rest of them as a married couple. Luckily time was on their side and they were able to enjoy 6 months of married life together before his struggle ended.
Tai and Nick are both blind. One of Nick’s passions was helping other visually impaired people to become more independent through education and training in braile, cane use, etc. Some poingant words were spoken at his funeral. Those thoughts brought a certain Rush lyric to mind, and inspired some additional thoughts on the matter:

“For you the blind
who once could see –
the bell tolls for the..”
but come sweet death,
make sight free.

Brilliant suns no more do set
Majesty of night ever present
Sight on wings of spirit
Do you pity me?
for my horizons numbered in miles?

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